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Sorrento Writers Festival – Creative Writing Prize

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The winner of the Sorrento Creative Writing Prize 2024 is Katy Knighton.

Equal Second Prize Winner

The equal second prize winner of the Sorrento Creative Writing Prize 2024 is Luke Johnson.

Equal Second Prize Winner

The equal second prize winner of the Sorrento Creative Writing Prize 2024 is Imogen Grbin.

Equal Second Prize Winner

The equal second prize winner of the Sorrento Creative Writing Prize 2024 is Susan Mclaughlin.



Prize $5,000


The Sorrento Creative Writing Prize is a Future Leaders Initiative. The Prize celebrates the annual Sorrento Writers Festival and its mission to bring writers and readers together.

The winner will receive $5,000 and their writing featured at the 2024 Sorrento Writers Festival and at www.writing.org.au


We welcome original creative writing between 2,500 and 3,000 words. Entries are required in a word document by 1 March 2024 to: helen@futureleaders.com.au


The Sorrento Creative Writing Prize is open to Australian citizens and residents aged 18 and over, who have not had their work published by a commercial publisher.

Entry to the Prize is free with a limit of one entry per person.


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